Command: runs


guild runs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Show or manage runs.

If COMMAND is omitted, lists runs. Refer to guild runs list for more information on the list command.


-a, --all Show all runs (by default only the last 20 runs are shown).
-m, --more Show 20 more runs. Maybe used multiple times.
-n, --limit N Limit number of runs shown.
-d, --deleted Show deleted runs.
-A, --archive PATH Show archived runs in PATH.
-c, --comments Show run comments.
-v, --verbose Show run details.
--json Format runs as JSON.
-s, --simplified Show a simplified list.
-F, --filter EXPR Filter runs using a filter expression. See Filter by Expression above for details.
-Fo, --operation VAL Filter runs with operations matching VAL.
-Fl, --label VAL Filter runs with labels matching VAL. To show unlabeled runs, use --unlabeled.
-Fu, --unlabeled Filter runs without labels.
-Ft, --tag TAG Filter runs with TAG.
-Fc, --comment VAL Filter runs with comments matching VAL.
-Fm, --marked Filter marked runs.
-Fn, --unmarked Filter unmarked runs.
-Fs, --started RANGE Filter runs started within RANGE. See above for valid time ranges.
-Fd, --digest VAL Filter runs with a matching source code digest.
-Sr, --running / --not-running Filter runs that are still running.
-Sc, --completed / --not-completed Filter completed runs.
-Se, --error / --not-error Filter runs that exited with an error.
-St, --terminated / --not-terminated Filter runs terminated by the user.
-Sp, --pending / --not-pending Filter pending runs.
-Ss, --staged / --not-staged Filter staged runs.
-r, --remote REMOTE List runs on REMOTE rather than local runs.
--help Show this message and exit.


comment Add or remove run comments.
delete, rm Delete one or more runs.
diff Diff two runs.
export Export one or more runs.
import Import one or more runs from ARCHIVE.
info Show run information.
label Set run labels.
list List runs.
mark Mark a run.
merge Copy run files to a project directory.
publish Publish one or more runs.
pull Copy one or more runs from a remote location.
purge Permanentaly delete one or more deleted runs.
push Copy one or more runs to a remote location.
restore Restore one or more deleted runs.
stop Stop one or more runs.
tag Add or remove run tags.

Guild AI version 0.9.0