Command: stop


guild stop [OPTIONS] [RUN...]

Stop one or more runs.

Runs are stopped by specifying one or more RUN arguments. See SPECIFYING RUNS and FILTER topics for information on specifying runs to be stopped.

Only runs with status of ‘running’ are considered for this operation.

If RUN is not specified, the latest selected run is stopped.

Specify Runs

You may use one or more RUN arguments to indicate which runs apply to the command. RUN may be a run ID, a run ID prefix, or a one-based index corresponding to a run returned by the list command.

Indexes may also be specified in ranges in the form START:END where START is the start index and END is the end index. Either START or END may be omitted. If START is omitted, all runs up to END are selected. If END id omitted, all runs from START on are selected. If both START and END are omitted (i.e. the : char is used by itself) all runs are selected.

If a RUN argument is not specified, 1 is assumed (the most recent run with status ‘running’).

Filter by Operation

Runs may be filtered by operation using --operation. A run is only included if any part of its full operation name, including the package and model name, matches the value.

Use --operation multiple times to include more runs.

Filter by Label

Use --label to only include runs with labels containing a specified value. To select runs that do not contain a label, specify a dash ‘-’ for VAL.

Use --label multiple times to include more runs.

Filter by Tag

Use --tag to only include runs with a specified tag. Tags must match completely and are case sensitive.

Use --tag multiple times to include more runs.

Filter by Marked and Unmarked

Use --marked to only include marked runs.

Use --unmarked to only include unmarked runs. This option may not be used with --marked.

Filter by Expression

Use --filter to limit runs that match a filter expressions. Filter expressions compare run attributes, flag values, or scalars to target values. They may include multiple expressions with logical operators.

For example, to match runs with flag batch-size equal to 100 that have loss less than 0.8, use:

--filter 'batch-size = 10 and loss < 0.8'

IMPORTANT: You must quote EXPR if it contains spaces or characters that the shell uses (e.g. ‘<’ or ‘>’).

Target values may be numbers, strings or lists containing numbers and strings. Strings that contain spaces must be quoted, otherwise a target string values does not require quotes. Lists are defined using square braces where each item is separated by a comma.

Comparisons may use the following operators: ‘=’, ‘!=’ (or ‘<>’), ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’. Text comparisons may use ‘contains’ to test for case-insensitive string membership. A value may be tested for membership or not in a list using ‘in’ or ‘not in’ respectively. An value may be tested for undefined using ‘is undefined’ or defined using ‘is not undefined’.

Logical operators include ‘or’ and ‘and’. An expression may be negated by preceding it with ‘not’. Parentheses may be used to control the order of precedence when expressions are evaluated.

If a value reference matches more than one type of run information (e.g. a flag is named ‘label’, which is also a run attribute), the value is read in order of run attribute, then flag value, then scalar. To disambiguate the reference, use a prefix attr:, flag:, or scalar: as needed. For example, to filter using a flag value named ‘label’, use ‘flag:label’.

Other examples:

operation = train and acc > 0.9
operation = train and (acc > 0.9 or loss < 0.3)
batch-size = 100 or batch-size = 200
batch-size in [100,200]
batch-size not in [400,800]
batch-size is undefined
batch-size is not undefined
label contains best and operation not in [test,deploy]
status in [error,terminated]

NOTE: Comments and tags are not supported in filter expressions at this time. Use --comment and --tag options along with filter expressions to further refine a selection.

Filter by Run Start Time

Use --started to limit runs to those that have started within a specified time range.

IMPORTANT: You must quote RANGE values that contain spaces. For example, to filter runs started within the last hour, use the option:

--started 'last hour'

You can specify a time range using several different forms:

last N minutes|hours|days
this week|month|year
last week|month|year
N days|weeks|months|years ago

DATETIME may be specified as a date in the format YY-MM-DD (the leading YY- may be omitted) or as a time in the format HH:MM (24 hour clock). A date and time may be specified together as DATE TIME.

When using between DATETIME and DATETIME, values for DATETIME may be specified in either order.

When specifying values like minutes and hours the trailing s may be omitted to improve readability. You may also use min instead of minutes and hr instead of hours.


after 7-1
after 9:00
between 1-1 and 4-30
between 10:00 and 15:00
last 30 min
last 6 hours
this week
last month
3 weeks ago

Filter by Source Code Digest

To show runs for a specific source code digest, use -g or --digest with a complete or partial digest value.

Stop Remote Runs

To stop remote runs, use --remote.

REMOTE is the name of a configured remote. Use guild remotes to list available remotes.

For information on configuring remotes, see guild remotes.


-F, --filter EXPR Filter runs using a filter expression. See Filter by Expression above for details.
-Fo, --operation VAL Filter runs with operations matching VAL.
-Fl, --label VAL Filter runs with labels matching VAL. To show unlabeled runs, use --unlabeled.
-Fu, --unlabeled Filter runs without labels.
-Ft, --tag TAG Filter runs with TAG.
-Fc, --comment VAL Filter runs with comments matching VAL.
-Fm, --marked Filter marked runs.
-Fn, --unmarked Filter unmarked runs.
-Fs, --started RANGE Filter runs started within RANGE. See above for valid time ranges.
-Fd, --digest VAL Filter runs with a matching source code digest.
-r, --remote REMOTE Stop remote runs.
-y, --yes Do not prompt before stopping.
-n, --no-wait Don’t wait for remote runs to stop.
--help Show this message and exit.

Guild AI version 0.9.0