

Guild uses operations to start runs. Specify an operation for guild run using the format:

guild run OPERATION

Operations are defined in Guild files.

Operations are defined using one of two formats:

Operation only format defines operations at the top-level of a Guild file, as mapping items.

  description: Train a model

  description: Validate a model

Two operations defined using operation only format

Full format defines operations under models. Models are defined in the Guild file as top-level list items, or objects.

- model: mnist
      description: Train model on MNIST

      description: Validate model on MNIST

Refer to Guild File Reference for more information on file format.

List available operations for a project using guild operations:

guild operations

Tip The guild ops command is a shortened alias for operations.

Guild shows the public operations defined in the project Guild file.

Python Based Operations

Python based operations are defined in *.py files and must be specified using their module name as the main operation attribute in a Guild file.

  main: train_logreg

Guild file (guild.yml) defining operation train, which is implemented in Python module train_logreg

Note Do not include the .py suffix when specifying main. The value refers to the module name, not the file name.

Guild loads such modules as __main__ in the same way that Python itself loads them when run using python -m <module name> from the command line.

You may perform operation tasks directly in the module like this:

from models import logreg


Sample Python module — always executes task when loaded

Alternatively, check the module name and only perform operation tasks if it __main__.

from models import logref

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Sample Python module — execute task only when module is loaded as __main__

Additional arguments to main

By default, Guild passes additional arguments to the main module that correspond to operation flag values. You can, however, specify arguments in the main attribute. These additional arguments are provided regardless of the flag-specific arguments.

For example, the following main spec runs the Python module logreg with the additional argument --train.

  main: logreg --train

Using additional arguments for sub-commands

Python CLIs that use sub-commands for operations are supported using additional arguments in the main spec. For example, consider a script that supports train and test subcommands. You can define a train operation that runs the train command this way:

  main: logreg train

Other Language Operations

Guild supports non-Python based operations with the exec operation attribute. Use exec to specify a command that Guild runs, which can use any executable program.

For example, the following operation uses R to train a model:

  exec: Rscript .guild/sourcecode/train.r

The script train.r is prefixed with .guild/sourcecode/ because operations run in the context of a run directory, not the project directory. Guild copies source code files from the project to the run directory under .guild/sourcecode by default. See Operation Source Code for more information.

Flags Interface

When using non-Python languages to implement an operation, you can access flags using one of two methods:

  • Command line arguments
  • Environment variables

Flag Value Command Line Arguments

To use command line arguments, you must specify flag arguments in the exec specification. You can specify flag values in one of two ways:

  • Individual flag references
  • All flag assignments

To include a flag value in the exec command, use the format ${FLAG_NAME}.

  exec: .guild/sourcecode/train.sh ${learning-rate} ${batch-size}
    learning-rate: 0.1
    batch-size: 100

When run using default flag values, Guild will start this operation using the following command:

train.sh 0.1 100

Tip Use the --print-cmd option with guild run to show the command Guild uses to start an operation.

Flag Environment Variables

Guild always provides flag values as environment variables, regardless of language type. Environment variables provide a convenient way to access flags as they don’t require command line processing.

Special Command Line Arguments

Guild supports some built-in command line arguments that are replaced with special values creating the operation command.

${flag_args} Set of flag assignments in the format <name>=<value>
${project_dir} Project directory path (also available as the PROJECT_DIR environment variable for the operation — see below)

Special Environment Variables

Guild sets a number of environment that are available for an operation.

RUN_DIR Path of the active run directory
RUN_ID ID of the active run
PROJECT_DIR Path of the active run source project (e.g. where the defining Guild file is located)
GUILD_OP Active run op spec
GUILD_HOME Path where Guild AI is installed
CMD_DIR Path where the Guild command was run

Operation Source Code

Guild saves source code for an operation with each run. This ensures that the run has a record of the source code used and that changes to project code don’t affect runs in progress.

By default, Guild copies text files within the project directory as source code. As a safe-guard, Guild skips files larger than 1M and will not copy more than 100 files. Configures these rules using the sourcecode operation attribute.

See Guild File Reference for information on configuring rules for source code copies.

See Guild File Cheatsheet for examples.

By default, source code is copied to the run directory under .guild/sourcecode. You can change this location using the dest attribute of the source code spec.