Command: package


guild package [OPTIONS]

Create a package for distribution.

Packages are built from projects that contain guildfile with a package definition, which describes the package to be built.

You may upload the generated package distribution to a PyPI repository by using the --upload option or to the PyPI test site by using --upload-test.

You may upload to an alternative repository using --upload-repo. REPO may be a URL or the name of a section in ~/.pypirc. For more information on the .pypirc file, see:


--clean Clean build directories before creating package.
-d, --dist-dir DIR Directory to create the package distribution in.
--upload Upload to PyPI after creating the package.
--upload-test Upload to the PyPI test site after creating the package.
--repo REPO Upload to REPO after creating the package.
-s, --sign Sign a package distribution upload with gpg.
-i, --identity IDENTITY GPG identity used to sign upload.
-u, --user USERNAME PyPI user name for upload.
-p, --password PASSWORD PyPI password for upload.
-e, --skip-existing Don’t upload if package already exists.
-c, --comment COMMENT Comment to include with upload.
--help Show this message and exit.

Guild AI version 0.9.0