How do I send a pull request with a proposed change to the Guild documentation?
I think there might be an error here:
guild purge --started "before 30 days ago"
Should instead be
guild runs purge --started "before 30 days ago"
I would like to propose the correction but could not find the source of the documentation.
June 18, 2024, 7:40pm
That’s right. You can make pull requests and contribute changes to the docs here: docs .
The steps to making a change should be:
Find the topic ID in Discourse (e.g. Get Started: Use Guild in a Project is 203)
Edit the corresponding md file in my-guild-ai/topics at master · guildai/my-guild-ai · GitHub )
Submit the PR
And apologies for the delay: we’ve been working on bringing our reimplementation of guild, gage , closer to feature parity while avoiding some of guild’s architectural pitfalls.