

The term pipeline in this section refers to running multiple operations to accomplish a goal.

Guild pipelines are implemented using higher-level operations, which define sub-operations using a steps attribute.

Consider the following three operations:

  description: Prepare data for train and test

  description: Train a model
    - operation: prepare-data

  description: Test a model
    - operation: prepare-data
    - operation: train

The pipeline implied by these operations is:

  1. Run prepare-data to generate a data set that can be used for train and test.
  2. Run train to train a model on prepared data.
  3. Run test to test a model on prepared data.

You can run these operations manually as a part of your development process. For example, you might run prepare-data different times, each with different flags to experiment with different processing stages, feature engineering, etc. After each prepare-data you may run train to explore model validation performance. After iterating over data preparation and training, finally, you run test to measure your results against hold-out data set.

This process represents an ad-hoc pipeline.

When you want to automate a sequence of operations, create a higher-order operation using steps.

Consider a new operation pipeline:

  description: Runs model pipeline end-to-end
   - prepare-data
   - train
   - test

When you run pipeline, Guild starts a higher-order operation, which runs each of the specified steps in the order specified.

Step Flag Values

Specify flag values for a step in one of two ways:

  • Arguments to the step operation name
  • flags attribute of a run object

For example, this examples uses flag arguments:

   - train lr=0.01 epochs=100
   - test

This example uses a flags step attribute:

    - run: train
        lr: 0.01
        epochs: 100
    - test

Expose Step Flag Values

To expose a step flag value to the user, define a flag for the pipeline operation and explicitly use it as a step flag.

    train-lr: 0.01
    train-epochs: 100
    - train lr=${train-lr} epochs=${train-epochs}
    - test

Step Run Attributes

You may define a number of step run attributes when using step mapping. Refer to Guild File Reference for details.