In this case you’re running TensorBoard as provided by Google (Guild doesn’t monkey patch TensorBoard or otherwise modify it. I find TB to have a number of strange sizing issues. The underlying framework Google uses is very complex and hard to contribute to/fix so our strategy has been to “take it as is and be forever grateful”
Things I try in these cases:
First and foremost, after modifying Guild runs (new runs, deleted runs) restart TensorBoard — the dynamic behavior works well in most cases but in some cases TB just doesn’t handle new data well. A restart often cleans that up.
Play around with browser zoom - sometimes that balances out strange font and UI sizing.
Play with resizing the browser window.
I wish I could give you a better answer here — I’m basically blaming TensorBoard for all of this. But in this case, Guild really isn’t involved beyond laying out the TB log dir.