Pipenv compatibility in 0.9.0

I’ve had some unexpected behavior using pipenv in 0.9.0 versus 0.8.2 - using guild check yields the following:

  • in 0.9.0
➤ pipenv run guild check
guild_version:             0.9.0
guild_install_location:    /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guild
guild_home:                /home/neelav/.guild
guild_resource_cache:      /home/neelav/.guild/cache/resources
installed_plugins:         config_flags, cpu, dask, disk, dvc, exec_script, gpu, ipynb, keras, memory, perf, python_script, quarto_document, queue, r_script, resource_flags, skopt
python_version:            3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 15:52:25) [GCC 12.2.1 20230201]
python_exe:                /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/bin/python
platform:                  Linux 6.3.1-arch2-1 x86_64
psutil_version:            5.9.5
tensorboard_version:       2.13.0
cuda_version:              12.1
nvidia_smi_version:        530.41.03
latest_guild_version:      0.9.0
  • in 0.8.2:
➤ pipenv run guild check
guild_version:             0.8.2
guild_install_location:    /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guild
guild_home:                /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/.guild
guild_resource_cache:      /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/.guild/cache/resources
installed_plugins:         config_flags, cpu, dask, disk, dvc, exec_script, gpu, ipynb, keras, memory, perf, python_script, quarto_document, queue, r_script, skopt
python_version:            3.11.3 (main, Apr  5 2023, 15:52:25) [GCC 12.2.1 20230201]
python_exe:                /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/bin/python
platform:                  Linux 6.3.1-arch2-1 x86_64
psutil_version:            5.9.5
tensorboard_version:       2.13.0
cuda_version:              12.1
nvidia_smi_version:        530.41.03
latest_guild_version:      0.9.0
A newer version of Guild AI is available. Run 'pip install guildai --upgrade' to install it.

so in 0.9.0 the guild_home variable doesn’t seem to point to the virtual environment like it does in 0.8.2, instead pointing at my user’s .guild directory. Moreover, I seem to run into issues with guild moving my sourcecode files into the run directory. I have a small example of this with the following guild file:

    exec: python .guild/sourcecode/train.py
    output-scalars: False 
        - exclude: '*'
        - '*.py'
            file: guild.yml
            target-type: copy                            

and a Hello World script.

def main():
    print("Hello World")

if __name__ == '__main__':

The result:

➤ pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment...
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
Type help for instructions on how to use fish
➤  source /home/neelav/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/bin/activate.fish
➤ guild run train
You are about to run train
Continue? (Y/n) 
Resolving file:guild.yml
python: can't open file '/home/neelav/.guild/runs/d6d109936802465493d5ea91a3439f98/.guild/sourcecode/train.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

and ls on the run directory gives:

➤ ls -a ~/.guild/runs/d6d109936802465493d5ea91a3439f98/.guild/
./  ../  attrs/  manifest  opref  output  output.index

In contrast, using version 0.8.2 with this configuration:

➤ guild run train
You are about to run train
Continue? (Y/n) 
Resolving file:guild.yml
Hello World
➤ guild runs
[1:4c264831]  train  2023-05-15 17:34:11  completed  
➤ guild ls 1
➤ ls -a ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/.guild/runs/4c264831b090451d86592dae5d359f3a
./  ../  .guild/  guild.yml
➤ ls -a ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/guild_0.9.0_demo-UrtH4SR2/.guild/runs/4c264831b090451d86592dae5d359f3a/.guild/
./  ../  attrs/  manifest  opref  output  output.index  sourcecode/

So something seems to have changed regarding how guild interacts with pipenv between 0.8.2 and 0.9.0. Are there changes to the guild file that I need to make in 0.9.0 to get that functionality from 0.8.2?


Hello! My apologies for the late reply here…

You’re running into two changes in 0.9:

  1. In 0.9, Guild treats .guild directories in the current directory as ‘Guild home’ by default. To use an explicit location, set GUILD_HOME. Alternatively, modify ~/.guild/config.yml to include:
# ~/.guild/config.yml

  guild-home: pre-0.9

If this legacy behavior should be applied to specific projects, create guild-config.yml in your project directory (i.e. along side guild.yml). This file provides the same config as ~/.guild/config.yml` but applies to your project rather than to your system.

  1. In 0.9, Guild copies source code to the run directory root, rather than to .guild/sourcecode. You can change this in your Guild file (guild.yml) using the sourcecode attribute for your operation.
# guild.yml

    dest: .guild/sourcecode

However, in your case, consider changing exec simply to python train.py.

I apologize for the breakage here! Guild should have done a better job here at surfacing the problem and pointing you to a solution. I’ve opened an issue to address this in 0.9.1 with additional help.

We’ll also confirm that the legacy switch above is properly documented.


Thank you Garrett! I’ve managed to get my projects working again. Thank you for detailing the relevant changes here as well; it made what I was seeing a lot more clear.